
Simple Single Row

In this example we going to use the data from the local SQL server selecting the meta data data from the sysobjects table and executing the results into the .NET class called ExampleSysObjects2.

Under the hood the execution path will ask SQL server to execute the result into a DataRow. This will only work if there is zero or one row. If there are multiple rows returned the blocks by design will through an DataException. The premise behind this is the blocks is not going to take the first or default as the answer. If you what the first then you can ask SQL to return top 1 only. If you querying by primary or alternate key there should be one at most results.

The Target Class Note in this example we have matched the name of the class to the names in SQL.

public class ExampleSysObject2
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }
    public DateTime refdate { get; set; }
public class ExampleReadDataSingleRow : SqlServerDataAccess
    public ExampleReadDataSingleRow() : base(
        new DataAccessConfig("SampleConfig", new DataAccessConfigOptions { ConnectionStringKey = "notused" },
            new HardCodedConnectionStringsResolver("Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security = true"))


    public ExampleSysObject2 GetSysObjectByName()
        var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select id, name, refdate  from Sysobjects where name = 'sysobjects'");
        return ExecuteTo<ExampleSysObject2>(cmd);

    public ExampleSysObject2 GetSysObjectByName2()
        var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select * from Sysobjects where name = 'sysobjects'");
        return ExecuteTo<ExampleSysObject2>(cmd);

As we know the name is an alternate Key and unique to the table we can query by name. The execute the result into a Single Object. In the example above we have also shown that if you use the name in the C# class to match the SQL names you can use the select * notation. Although this does work it is recommended to use named columns such that you not transferring unneeded data.

The following method will raise a DataException error as there will be more than one row in the table that match the filter.

public ExampleSysObject2 GetSysObjectByName2()
    var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select * from Sysobjects");
    return ExecuteTo<ExampleSysObject2>(cmd);

The following method will return null as there are no records where 1=2

public ExampleSysObject2 GetSysObjectByName2()
    var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select * from Sysobjects where 1=2");
    return ExecuteTo<ExampleSysObject2>(cmd);